Intel's Facebook 'Museum of Me' is a must-try
The Museum of Me's starting page
(Credit: Screenshot by Don Reisinger/CNET)When users surf to the Museum of Me page, they'll find an image asking them to connect the service to Facebook. After no more than a minute of waiting, a video tour takes users through a "visual archive of your social life."
"This exhibition is a journey of visualization that explores who I am," the video reads as users start taking the tour through the virtual museum.
As the tour commences, users will "walk" through rooms, showing the profile pictures of friends, personal photos, videos from their profiles, and much more. The "museum" also includes a collection of status updates and other content posted to their wall. Another room shows the user's location information on a map.
Undoubtedly, some will look at Museum of Me and think it's a bit creepy that Intel was able to pull that much information from the user's profile to put into the program. However, it's worth noting that all the information available in Museum of Me is content the user has already shared with friends on their Facebook profile. Moreover, Intel's application is not publicly shared.
Intel's Museum of Me is about more than just helping users visualize their activity on Facebook. The service is also an advertisement for the company's Core i5 processors, though that doesn't become clear until the very end of the user's video.
Overall, Intel's Museum of Me is worth trying out at least once. It's a really neat tool that does a fine job of collecting all the information from your Facebook page and doling it out in a fun exhibit.
The Museum of Me showing a collection of photos
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