Digital content is stored everywhere - your home computer, work laptop, smartphone and various cloud services (e.g. However, that content can be difficult to find, access and share with other people. That’s the problem we solve.
TappIn connects digital content and people. Whether you're a student, parent, best friend, business professional or small business, TappIn's secure cloud service makes available any size documents or rich media files (i.e. music, photos and videos) to web-browsers and mobile devices, including Apple® iPhone® and iPad®, Google® Android™ and Windows® Phone 7, regardless of where that content is stored—without having to upload, sync or pay for additional cloud storage. You can use TappIn to access and share your digital content - anytime, anywhere.
What makes TappIn different is that all files remain safe and secure in your computer, phone or online work spaces. Just download the TappIn app to your computer and mobile device. Now, you are instantly able to connect yourself and others to your music, videos, photos and documents. It’s that easy.
With TappIn, there are no storage limits or file size restrictions because TappIn uses your existing storage. How cool is that - no organizing, copying, syncing or waiting around. And, TappIn safeguards your privacy and security with the same SSL encryption used by financial institutions worldwide. Need a global sharing solution? TappIn has local language support for English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Chinese (both Traditional and Simplified).
Try the Lite Edition for free – TappIn today (nb: used to be called "Homepipe")
TappIn connects digital content and people. Whether you're a student, parent, best friend, business professional or small business, TappIn's secure cloud service makes available any size documents or rich media files (i.e. music, photos and videos) to web-browsers and mobile devices, including Apple® iPhone® and iPad®, Google® Android™ and Windows® Phone 7, regardless of where that content is stored—without having to upload, sync or pay for additional cloud storage. You can use TappIn to access and share your digital content - anytime, anywhere.
What makes TappIn different is that all files remain safe and secure in your computer, phone or online work spaces. Just download the TappIn app to your computer and mobile device. Now, you are instantly able to connect yourself and others to your music, videos, photos and documents. It’s that easy.
With TappIn, there are no storage limits or file size restrictions because TappIn uses your existing storage. How cool is that - no organizing, copying, syncing or waiting around. And, TappIn safeguards your privacy and security with the same SSL encryption used by financial institutions worldwide. Need a global sharing solution? TappIn has local language support for English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Chinese (both Traditional and Simplified).
Try the Lite Edition for free – TappIn today (nb: used to be called "Homepipe")
The one thing I don’t really like about a cloud storage solution, like Dropbox, is the fact that the architecture includes the online storage of your files. Yes, it can sync up with your laptops, desktops and mobile devices, but what if you really aren’t comfortable having those files stored somewhere other than your local PC?
For people that are a little bit wary about such a setup, I have an alternative for you. Instead of syncing your files with the online storage space that you’ve purchased and have to pay for, what if you could simply turn your local storage – like a USB stick, a directory on your computer, or a portable hard drive – into a storage unit in the “cloud”?
Turning Your Local Drive Into An Online Drive
What you’ll basically be doing is assigning part of your drive (or your entire USB memory card, if you like) to serve up files and media via the Internet. The perfect service for this is an application Kaly covered briefly called HomePipe. In this article, I’d like to cover the application in a lot more detail, and show you how you can configure your own cloud storage network with this software. You’ll never have to buy another gigabyte of online storage again.When you click on “configure shared folders“, you’ll have a chance to configure which folders on your local PC you want to share out to your personal online drive in the cloud.
Don’t forget, you also have access to the mobile HomePipe app as well – for either iPhone or Android phones. This app gives you access to your virtual online drive right from your mobile device. When you open HomePipe on your mobile phone, you’ll see all of the drives that you’ve added to your virtual cloud, as well as the local storage of your phone.
So give HomePipe a shot and try different setups, like hosting a portable USB drive to your new cloud network, or mounting your Android SD card and sharing that out to the cloud. You can be as creative as you want when you build your cloud network – it’s completely up to you!
Do you prefer this setup over traditional cloud computing? What do you like or dislike about it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!