
Simplenote and it’s endlessly backfiring sync issues – we give up for good | wirefresh

Simplenote and it’s endlessly backfiring sync issues – we give up for good | wirefresh

Time to abandon ship

Simplenote simply no longer works reliably, so it is with the greatest reluctance that we are now abandoning this service completely, and will have to go back and add a king size caveat to our previous article.

Looking around the web, it seems that we’re not along in suffering major difficulties, but not everyone has been experiencing the same problems. Perhaps they’ll be lucky forever, or perhaps the clock is just ticking down to their meltdown, but for us we’ve given up.
Sorry Simplenote, but a syncing note service that doesn’t sync isn’t much use to us any more.


10.4: How to disable (and enable) Dashboard - Mac OS X Hints

10.4: How to disable (and enable) Dashboard - Mac OS X Hints

Tiger only hintSome people have claimed memory or performance problems with Dashboard. In my case, I just don't use it, and dislike having applications running that I don't use or need.

After some searching, I found this hint, but didn't find anything similar on MacOSXHints. So here it is, with thanks to the original poster who found it. Launch Terminal and then enter the following commands...

To turn Dashboard off:
 defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES 
To turn Dashboard on:
 defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean NO 
You have to restart the Dock after making either change for it to take effect:
 killall Dock 
[robg adds: I'm thinking this might be a pretty popular hint :). I tested the commands, and they definitely work. When I ran ps ax | grep Dash with Dashboard active, my three open widgets showed up in the process list. After changing the defaults, F12 no longer worked, and the same ps command didn't find any matches for Dashboard (OK, technically, if found the grep, but that's because I'm too lazy to add it as an ignored match). When I re-enabled Dashboard, I was somewhat surprised to find that my three open widgets were indeed still open.]


Hacking, Black Hat Briefings - Wikipedia

Black Hat Briefings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black Hat Briefings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Black Hat Briefings is a computer security conference that brings together a variety of people interested in information security. Representatives of federal agencies and corporations attend along with hackers. The Briefings take place regularly in Las Vegas, Barcelona (previously Amsterdam) and Tokyo. An event dedicated to the Federal Agencies is organized in Washington, D.C.[1]



Black Hat was founded in 1997 by Jeff Moss, most famous for creating the Black Hat and DEF CON, which are considered the premier information Security conferences in the world, Black Hat 2009 hosting 4,000 digital experts and professionals. Black Hat started as a single annual conference held yearly in Las Vegas, and is now held in multiple locations around the world.[2]

The conference

Black Hat is composed of two major sections, the Black Hat Briefings, and Black Hat Trainings. Training is offered by various Computer security vendors, in effort to keep the conference vendor-neutral. In the past, the conference has hosted the National Security Agency's Information Assurance Manager course, and various courses by Cisco Systems, Offensive Security, and others.[3][4]

The Briefings are composed of Tracks, covering various topics including reverse engineering, identity and privacy, and hacking. The briefings also contain keynote speeches from leading voices in the information security field, including Kevin Mitnick, Robert Lentz Chief Security Officer, United States Department of Defense; Michael Lynn, and Amit Yoran, former Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security.[1][5]

Antics and disclosures

Black Hat is known for the antics of its hacker contingent, and the disclosures brought in its talks. Conference attendees have been known to hijack wireless connections of the hotels, hack hotel TV billing systems, and even hack the Automatic Teller Machine in a hotel lobby. In 2009, Web sites belonging to a handful of security researchers and groups were hacked and passwords, private e-mails, IM chats, and sensitive documents were exposed on the vandalized site of Dan Kaminsky, days before the conference. During Black Hat 2009, a USB thumb drive that was passed around among attendees of Black Hat was found to be infected with the Conficker virus, and in 2008, three men were expelled for packet sniffing the press room Local Area Network at Black Hat.[6]
In the past, companies have attempted to ban researchers from disclosing vital information about their products. At Black Hat 2005, Cisco Systems tried to stop researcher Michael Lynn from speaking about a vulnerability that he said could let hackers virtually shut down the Internet.[1] However in recent years, researchers have worked with vendors to resolve issues, and some vendors have challenged hackers to attack their products.[7][8][9][10]

See also


External links