
Netvibes Documentation - manager [Documentation]

Netvibes Documentation - manager [Documentation]


By default, the dashboard can be accessed at http://username.netvibesbusiness.com. There are also options to iframe the dashboard within your site, or use DNS to point your hostname to the dashboard.

Iframe implementation

In the NPD manager, the main URL on your site where the dashboard will be accessed should be entered under “Iframe” in the “Iframe URL” field. e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/netvibes
There are two methods to integrate the iframe on your site. A simple one, which is what most partners need to set up their dashboard, and a more advanced method which allows rss feeds from external sources to be added directly to the dashboard by users. The simple method is to create a page which contains an iframe of the following form:

<iframe height="1300" frameborder=0 border=0 scrolling="no" src="http://www.netvibes.com/partner/premium.php?universe=[ username ]" width="100%" name="nvFrame" id="nvFrame"></iframe>

Replace [ username ] with the username which can be found in the main URL: username.netvibesbusines.com. The more advanced version involves dynamically creating the iframe with JavaScript: Create an empty <div> which will host the iframe.

<div id="netvibesContainer"></div>
And include the following JavaScript in the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
var netvibesUrl = "http://www.netvibes.com/partner/premium.php? universe=[ username ]";
var matches = window.location.href.match('subscribe=(http:\/\/.*)$');
if (matches) {
 netvibesUrl += "&";
 netvibesUrl += matches[0].replace(/\s+$/, '');
netvibesUrl += '&rnd=' + Math.random() * 100000; var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = netvibesUrl;
iframe.id = "nvFrame"; 
iframe.name = "nvFrame";
iframe.title = "[title]";
iframe.width = "100%";
iframe.height = "1300";
iframe.frameBorder = 0;
iframe.marginWidth = 0;
iframe.marginHeight = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
iframe.align = "center";
var container = document.getElementById("netvibesContainer");
container.appendChild(iframe); </script>

Replace [ username ] with the username which can be found in the main URL: username.netvibesbusines.com.

To create links to add rss feeds directly to the dashboard use the following url:
[url of dashboard, i.e. page that hosts iframe]?subscribe=[url of rss feed]

Dynamic iframe resizing

Since the dashboard is customizable by the user, it is necessary to resize the height of the iframe to match the height of the content. For this functionality to work, the following requirements must be followed:

The iframe has to have the attribute: id=”nvFrame”

A file called resize.html is provided by Netvibes that must be hosted on the same domain as the iframe page. This script dynamically resizes the iframe to match the height of the dashboard.

The URL of the resize file should be entered in the NPD manager under “Iframe” in the “Iframe URL” field.