
TinyTiny - a self-hosted RSS app

TinyTiny RSS

Tiny Tiny RSS (OS, SH)

All of the services so far have the benefit that they have hosted services available for users who want the convenience of a web-based reader they can reach from everywhere, but who do not want to host the application themselves. Tiny Tiny RSS does not currently have such an option, but the software is completely open source and relatively straightforward to install. The software is GPLv3-licensed, written in PHP, and stores its data in either a MySQL or a PostgreSQL database; a client for Android tablets is also available.
The interface of Tiny Tiny RSS is relatively simple, but, aside from the sharing features that applications such as NewsBlur and The Old Reader offer, it can replace most of Google Reader's functionality. Folders, sub-folders and bookmarks are all implemented as is authentication for protected feeds. Instances of Tiny Tiny RSS also support multiple users, so setups for small groups and teams are possible. If an immediate self-hosted replacement for Google Reader is the goal, Tiny Tiny RSS is probably the best option, as it can be installed in a matter of minutes on a standard web server setup that has Apache, PHP and either a MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine installed.

The more technically inclined and slightly adventurous might want to take a gander at the open-source TinyTiny RSS, a self-hosted RSS app that allows users to set up their own feed reading system. 

TinyTiny RSS
Linux, Mac, Windows (free)

You'll need a dedicated web server of your own, as well as the gumption to set up and configure the server-side program features yourself. However, you will be rewarded by having your own lightweight RSS web service at your beck and call, usable anywhere you can get access to an Internet connection and compatible browser.

Verdict: Not for the technologically faint of heart, but TinyTiny RSS allows you to create your own independent RSS reader. While it may be spartan, it won't be held hostage by a developer suddenly pulling the plug on a service they can't monetize.