Have you been using
Dynamic Views on your
Blogger blog? :) I'm sure you are attracted to those elegant
templates developed with modern web technologies. Easy to use and manage, but unlike the usual layout templates, customization and gadget support is still limited. But don't lose your hopes, 'cause Blogger team is working on it. Now, it's not about upcoming features I wanna talk about. How do you feel about allowing visitors to switch among other dynamic views?
Cool or Weird?
Dynamic Views are awesome. Allowing visitors to switch among available dynamic views might improve the user experience as they can view a blog as they would like to. How convenient! But hey, sometimes it doesn't applicable for every blog and bloggers might like to have the default dynamic view instead of allowing users to switch among other views. Are you one of them?
If you would like to go with the default dynamic view you have selected, a simple CSS code snippet will help you to make it work. May be you have already noticed that the view styles are being displayed either on the the header bar or as a drop down menu. Didn't you?
Blogger shows dynamic view styles on header bar, if your blog has no static pages.
If your blog has static pages, view styles will be displayed as a drop down menu.
Make sure to take a look at your blog using dynamic view, if you are not sure how it looks like. Ready to get rid of them? Follow relevant instructions below. That's way too easy to implement.
No Static Pages
If you have no static pages created on your blog, you will find views being displayed just below your header title as below.
Once you removed the views, your header bar looks similar to below.
Don't have static pages? Add following CSS
code snippet to your
template and the dynamic views will be gone.
Note: If you don't know
how to add custom CSS to your template, read
Easily Add Custom CSS to Your Template in Blogger.
#header .header-drawer {
display: none;
With Static Pages
If you have static pages created on your blog, the views will be accessible via a
drop down menu on the left.
After removing the views drop down menu, you will find only static pages on the bar as below.
Do you have static pages created on your blog? Simply add following CSS code snippet to your template.
Note: If you don't know how to add custom CSS to your template, read
Easily Add Custom CSS to Your Template in Blogger.
#header #views {
display: none;
#header #pages:before {
border-left: 0px;
#header #pages {
margin-left: 14px;
Enjoy :-)